Subscription-Based Chiropractic Software - $200 - $299 Monthly
Many chiropractors can benefit from the software as a service model.
There is no hardware or software to purchase, install, maintain or update. The
doctor is also not responsible for data storage, backup and security - this is
the provider’s responsibility. You simply pay a monthly fee to the provider and
you can access your patient data, schedule, chiropractic reports and billing
and claims data from any internet connected computer or device in the office,
at home or while on vacation. There are no headaches to deal with as with
traditional server-based software.
Chiropractic Software Reviews
ChiroTouch offers EHR software for chiropractors. The latest release, ChiroTouch Version 5.2,
has received complete ONC-ATCB certification. This certification is required in
order to receive Medicare Meaningful Use incentives. Chiropractors interested in obtaining these incentives are required by law to use a certified EHR software. ChiroTouch is designed for offices with one to
twenty-five providers. It is a full practice management solution that combines electronic health records, chiropractic billing, patient
scheduling, outcomes assessments, and inventory management in a single,
integrated suite. The EHR has custom templates for chiropractors, along with
image management, dynamic SOAP notes, and real-time patient flow...
Product Overview

Price | $259/month/month |
Support Fee | Call |
Scheduling | Yes |
Documentation | Yes |
Billing/Claims | Yes |
Chiropractic EHR Software | Yes |
Cloud-Based | No |
Mobile/Tablet | Yes |
Patient Education | No |
Patient Marketing | No |
by Pay DC
PayDC is a chiropractic software company
founded and designed by an industry leading team of chiropractors, billing
& coding professionals and insurance auditors to provide your practice with
a complete solution for managing the entire course of patient care. PayDC helps Providers focus on patient care, not paperwork, so our certified chiropractic billing and electronic health record (EHR) software is dedicated to simplifying work for you and your staff! Our internet-based practice management software makes it easier to run your office, stay compliant and significantly increase your revenues and profits. Our PayDC chiropractic EHR and billing software is packaged into four distinct modules to enable you to easily manage various aspects...
Product Overview

Price | $250/month |
Support Fee | Included |
Scheduling | Yes |
Documentation | Yes |
Billing/Claims | Yes |
Chiropractic EHR Software | Yes |
Cloud-Based | Yes |
Mobile/Tablet | Yes |
Patient Education | Yes |
Patient Marketing | Yes |
by Silk One
SilkOne EMR is a comprehensive web-based software for the chiropractic profession
that automates all aspects of your chiropractic practice including intake
forms, patient scheduling, EHR/EMR and medical billing, claims and accounting.
The company also provides full-service billing and claims management to their
clients. We found the system to be very intuitive and simple to navigate and
use. The scheduler, reporting module and billing system are robust enough for
most offices and include all the features necessary to manage a practice.
Because it's web-based, your data and schedule is available from any internet
connected device from anywhere you are.
Their complete chiropractic EHR and billing software is offered...
Product Overview

Price | $300/month |
Support Fee | Included |
Scheduling | Yes |
Documentation | Yes |
Billing/Claims | Yes |
Chiropractic EHR Software | Yes |
Cloud-Based | Yes |
Mobile/Tablet | No |
Patient Education | No |
Patient Marketing | No |
ChiroSuite EHR is comprised of two very powerful comprehensive, yet intuitive programs, ChiroOffice and ChiroPadEMR . The level of integration between both programs is unheralded, yielding a paperless office environment. ChiroSuite EHR has been created for the latest technology including Tablet and Touchscreen computers as well as Desktop, Laptop, and Notebook computers. Take advantage of the latest in chiropractic office software with ChiroOffice from Life Systems Software. Designed for all practice sizes, from small single doctor offices to large multi-disciplinary, multi-doctor, and multi-clinic settings, ChiroOffice streamlines tasks from scheduling to insurance processing, allowing your staff to better manage their work load in...
Product Overview

Price | Call |
Support Fee | Call |
Scheduling | Yes |
Documentation | Yes |
Billing/Claims | Yes |
Chiropractic EHR Software | Yes |
Cloud-Based | Yes |
Mobile/Tablet | Yes |
Patient Education | Yes |
Patient Marketing | Yes |
Medicfusion EHR (electronic health records), is a cost-effective, and easy-to-use paperless system for small practice physicians. Designed by chiropractors with a chiropractor’s specific EHR needs in mind, Medicfusion will save you time and money and be much appreciated by your patients. In addition, our customer support team ensures that we are there for you whatever your EHR needs and challenges.Contact us today for a demonstration: us at: 1-866-643-7778 x220
Product Overview

Price | $299/month |
Support Fee | Included |
Scheduling | Yes |
Documentation | Yes |
Billing/Claims | Yes |
Chiropractic EHR Software | Yes |
Cloud-Based | Yes |
Mobile/Tablet | Yes |
Patient Education | No |
Patient Marketing | No |
Versatile Software Systems offers a full practice management solution, known as VersaSoft, and has been offering chiropractic software since 1993. In that time, Versatile Software Systems has continued to develop relationships with top chiropractors over the years to create a superior full practice management suite that will fit any chiropractic office. The software is a complete office solution that includes full patient management, electronic/paper claims options, customizable appointment scheduling, chart note documentation, inventory, reporting, letter processing, paperless capabilities, digital image management, email capabilities, and much more. It is fully network compatible and will run on all current Microsoft Windows supported...
Product Overview

Price | $178.25/month/month |
Support Fee | Included |
Scheduling | Yes |
Documentation | Yes |
Billing/Claims | Yes |
Chiropractic EHR Software | Yes |
Cloud-Based | No |
Mobile/Tablet | No |
Patient Education | No |
Patient Marketing | No |
Designed to provide robust, web-based EHR functionality designed specifically for chiropractors, BackChart is a great fit for small to mid-sized practices seeking to achieve Meaningful Use, improve quality of patient charting, reduce paperwork by providing a sleek patient portal, and more. Training is fully integrated within the system, and includes a variety of training mediums, from one-on-one training to simple FAQ videos. These varied mediums help reduce the learning curve for office staff and doctors alike, while ensuring the optimal level of support is always available.The BackChart user interface has been streamlined to save time and simplify movement from one function to another, ultimately giving staff and doctors more time to spend...
Product Overview

Price | $149.00/month |
Support Fee | Included |
Scheduling | No |
Documentation | Yes |
Billing/Claims | Yes |
Chiropractic EHR Software | Yes |
Cloud-Based | Yes |
Mobile/Tablet | Yes |
Patient Education | Yes |
Patient Marketing | No |
by ChiroSpring
ChiroSpring is a cloud based chiropractic practice management software. There are several key features that put ChiroSpring into a class of its own. 1. Intuitive Design & Simple to Use – A simple, intuitive design has been a main focus since day one. Everything is neatly organized into a welcoming App style interface. 2. Works in the Cloud - Access ChiroSpring from any Internet-connected computer, and do so with the confidence that your data meets the strict HIPAA compliance standards. Because ChiroSpring is cloud based, you will save on office networking and server costs. No more troubleshooting your computers just to get them to "talk" to each other. 3. Automatic Data Backup Included – We not only...
Product Overview

Price | $299/month |
Support Fee | Included |
Scheduling | Yes |
Documentation | Yes |
Billing/Claims | Yes |
Chiropractic EHR Software | Yes |
Cloud-Based | Yes |
Mobile/Tablet | Yes |
Patient Education | Yes |
Patient Marketing | Yes |
by Lytec Inc
MediPro offers two practice management software solutions for the chiropractic office. Lytec Practice Management (PM) is their patient scheduling and billing module, while Lytec EHR and SuiteMed IMS are electronic health record (EHR) systems. Lytec Practice Management is a complete solution for managing patient accounting, insurance billing, claims tracking, accounts receivable, and appointment scheduling. The cost of Lytec PM is about $3,000. An annual support plan will run you an additional $1,089 or you can opt for a monthly fee of $99. Electronic clearinghouse services can also be added for an additional fee of $60 for unlimited claims with Relay Health. Lytec EHR offers abilities to open multiple charts at the same time, user-definable...
Product Overview

Price | Call |
Support Fee | Call |
Scheduling | Yes |
Documentation | Yes |
Billing/Claims | Yes |
Chiropractic EHR Software | Yes |
Cloud-Based | No |
Mobile/Tablet | Yes |
Patient Education | Yes |
Patient Marketing | Yes |
Displaying 1-9 of 9 results.